Gurjars r the true Brave soldiers of India: Soniya Gandhi
Our Country is proud of the Gujjar community: Sonia Gandhi
गुज्जरों को बढाएंगे आगे: सोनिय गाँधी
सोनिया ने शनिवार दोपहर गुज्जर सेंटर फॉर कल्चर एंड हेरिटेज का उद्घाटन करने के बाद कहा कि गुज्जर समुदाय के सदस्यों ने 1965 और 1971 के युद्ध में बहादुरी से भाग लिया। समुदाय के सदस्य आज भी जम्मू-कश्मीर में आतंकवाद का डट कर मुकाबला कर रहे हैं।
युद्ध और आतंक से संघर्ष में गुज्जर समुदाय के योगदान की प्रशंसा करते हुए संप्रग अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी ने समुदाय को आश्वासन दिया है कि गुज्जर समुदाय के उत्थान के लिए केंद्र जल्दी ही योजनाएं शुरू करेगा। सोनिया ने कहा कि गुज्जर समुदाय के सदस्यों नेकाश्मिर में आतंकवाद का डट कर मुकाबला कर रहे हैं
उन्होंने जम्मू एवं कश्मीर में आतंकवाद से निपटने में गुर्जरों के योगदान की खासतौर पर चर्चा की। उन्होंने कहा, ""राज्य में आतंकवादी गढ़ों को नष्ट करने और आतंकवाद से ल़डने में गुज्जरों का विशेष योगदान है। वे बहादुरी की दास्तान हैं और राष्ट्र के लिए उनमें गहरी प्रतिबद्धता है।
संप्रग अध्यक्ष ने कहा कि कांग्रेस और गुज्जरों का संबंध देश के पहले प्रधानमंत्री जवाहर लाल नेहरू के समय से है, जिन्हें गुज्जर समुदाय की काफी चिंता थी। सोनिया ने कहा कि मैं जानती हूं कि गुज्जर गरीब और पिछडे हैं और शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में भी बहुत आगे नहीं बढे हैं। उन्होंने गुर्ज्जर महिलाओ को भी प्रेरित करते हुए कहाँ कि उन्हें भी शिक्षा ..स्वस्थ्य के छेत्र में पूरा ध्यान देना होगा तभी भाषा एवम संस्कृत का बचाव होगा । सोनिया ने कहा कि केंद्र गुज्जर समुदाय के उत्थान के लिए कई योजनाएं शुरू करेगा। उन्होंने ने समुदाय के सदस्यों से कहा कि वे समुदाय के युवाओं को विज्ञान और तकनीक के क्षेत्र में प्रशिक्षण दिलाएं। उन्होंने इस बात पर खुशी जताई कि गुर्जर देश चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट इस समुदाय के बच्चों को शिक्षा देने के क्षेत्र में काम कर रहा है। सोनिया ने कहाँ की आज़ादी की लड़ाई से लेकर आतंकवाद के खिलाफ संघर्ष में गुज्जर समाज ने अहम् भूमिका निभाई हँ ।
जम्मू-कश्मीर के मुख्यमंत्री उमर अब्दुल्ला ने लोगों को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि सरकार ने सचल स्कूलों को फिर से शुरू किया है, ताकि गुज्जर समुदाय को मिलने वाले आरक्षण का लाभ बच्चों को मिल सके। उन्होंने कहा कि चूंकि गुज्जर एक स्थान पर नहीं रूकते हैं और वे घूमते रहते हैं, इसलिए वे समुचित शिक्षा पाने में असमर्थ हैं। मुख्यमंत्री ने सिविल सेवा में शीर्ष स्थान हासिल करने वाले कश्मीरी युवक शाह फैसल के नाम का जिक्र करते हुए समुदाय को सलाह दी कि वे बच्चों को शिक्षा के प्रति प्रोत्साहित करे। उन्होंने उन्हें सभी जरूरी सुविधाएं देने का भरोसा दिया। केंद्रीय अक्षय ऊर्जा मंत्री फारूक अब्दुल्ला ने कहा कि गुज्जर समुदाय को अपने अधिकारों के लिए लडना चाहिए। उन्होंने कहा कि आदिवासी संस्कृति केंद्र का उद्घाटन करने के लिए सोनिया की मौजूदगी ने न सिर्फ जम्मू कश्मीर में रह रहे गुज्जरों, बल्कि देश के अन्य भागों में रहने वाले समुदाय के सदस्यों को भी प्रोत्साहित किया है
केंद्रीय मंत्री आजाद कहा कि हमें देश को मजबूत करने के लिए गुज्जर समाज को मजबूत करना होगा। आजाद ने गुज्जरों के लिए आरक्षण का हवाला देते हुए कहा कि इसने उन्हें जम्मू कश्मीर के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में मदद पहुंचाई है।ट्रस्ट के अध्यक्ष मसूद ए चौधरी गुर्जर (Retd. I.G.) ने राज्य में लद्दाख स्कॉउट की तर्ज पर गुज्ज्जर स्कॉउट का गठन किए जाने की मांग की।
Jai Gurjar Jai Bharat
Ravi Kasana
vill & post- Jawli Ghaziabad
This Blog is a Platform for all Gurjar community People all around the World.We are a progressive community which had a glorious past and promising future. so to enlightene its glory lets conjoined our hands together to uplift the Gurjar samaaj in every sphere ...... Jai Gurjar Jai Bharat
Monday, May 31, 2010
Jaago Gujjaro
Jaago Gujjaro
Really we should proud on our self that we are Gurjar because our history say that the Gurjar is only that cast who can win whole world if they are together.people say that Gurjar cast is going to be together but that day will be really dream because that day we will do the right on world.Basically we the Gurjars are the real fighters of india,we had already proved this in the battle field that when its comes to show our bravery we are better than the best.
I am remembering one thing in Hindi:
जब हमारा देश आजाद हो गया तो नेहरु ने आपने सलाहकार से पुछा की अब में किया करू तो उसने जवाब दियाकी यदि तुम भारत पर राज करना चाहते हो तो सबसे पहले गुर्जर समाज को ऐसा बना दो जिस तरह कि भेस जो झोड़ में मस्त होकर पड़ी रहती हँ और जब हमे जरूरत होती हँ घास या रोटी देखाकर बहार बुला लेते हँ .यदि गुर्जर आगे आ गए शिक्षा के मामले में और केवल 20% , तो तुम राज नहीं कर पाओगे भारत पर और यही हुआ जो आज तक मिलिट्री और आर्मी में हमारी कॉम के नाम पर कोई भी रेजिमेंट नहीं हँ ,अगर कोई हमारा गुर्जर भाई अप्ने प्राण निछावर करता हँ तो सिर्फ दूसरी कोम का ह़ी नाम होता हँ (जैसे की ठाकुर रेजिमेंट ,जाट रेजिमेंट,राजपूत रेजिमेंट)..क़ुरबानी करते हँ हमारे गुर्जर भाई और नाम होता हँ दूसरी जाति का…ऐसा पक्षपात हमारी कोम के साथ क्यों …? येही कारण हँ के सबकुछ करने के बाद भी हमारी कोम काफ़ी पीछे हँ.....
इस लिए जागो गुर्जरों वक्त पुकार रहा हँ तुमको अपने को पहचानो आपने नाम के आगे के वीर को पहचानो और मेधावी बनकर इस सरकार और इस दुनिया को दिखाओ के “No Gurjar No Life ..Know Gurjar Know Life”
यहाँ मुझे भाई जगपाल सिंह भाटी की दो पंक्क्तिया याद आ रही हँ
छा रही हँ लालिमा ,हो रहा हँ उजाला !
अपनी प्रतिष्ठा के पाने का गुर्जर हुआ मतवाला !!
-जय हिंद जय गुर्जर -
Ravi Kasana Gurjar
(Btec-Mechanical & MBA- International Bussiness)
vill & post- Jawli Ghaziabad,UP.
Really we should proud on our self that we are Gurjar because our history say that the Gurjar is only that cast who can win whole world if they are together.people say that Gurjar cast is going to be together but that day will be really dream because that day we will do the right on world.Basically we the Gurjars are the real fighters of india,we had already proved this in the battle field that when its comes to show our bravery we are better than the best.
I am remembering one thing in Hindi:
जब हमारा देश आजाद हो गया तो नेहरु ने आपने सलाहकार से पुछा की अब में किया करू तो उसने जवाब दियाकी यदि तुम भारत पर राज करना चाहते हो तो सबसे पहले गुर्जर समाज को ऐसा बना दो जिस तरह कि भेस जो झोड़ में मस्त होकर पड़ी रहती हँ और जब हमे जरूरत होती हँ घास या रोटी देखाकर बहार बुला लेते हँ .यदि गुर्जर आगे आ गए शिक्षा के मामले में और केवल 20% , तो तुम राज नहीं कर पाओगे भारत पर और यही हुआ जो आज तक मिलिट्री और आर्मी में हमारी कॉम के नाम पर कोई भी रेजिमेंट नहीं हँ ,अगर कोई हमारा गुर्जर भाई अप्ने प्राण निछावर करता हँ तो सिर्फ दूसरी कोम का ह़ी नाम होता हँ (जैसे की ठाकुर रेजिमेंट ,जाट रेजिमेंट,राजपूत रेजिमेंट)..क़ुरबानी करते हँ हमारे गुर्जर भाई और नाम होता हँ दूसरी जाति का…ऐसा पक्षपात हमारी कोम के साथ क्यों …? येही कारण हँ के सबकुछ करने के बाद भी हमारी कोम काफ़ी पीछे हँ.....
इस लिए जागो गुर्जरों वक्त पुकार रहा हँ तुमको अपने को पहचानो आपने नाम के आगे के वीर को पहचानो और मेधावी बनकर इस सरकार और इस दुनिया को दिखाओ के “No Gurjar No Life ..Know Gurjar Know Life”
यहाँ मुझे भाई जगपाल सिंह भाटी की दो पंक्क्तिया याद आ रही हँ
छा रही हँ लालिमा ,हो रहा हँ उजाला !
अपनी प्रतिष्ठा के पाने का गुर्जर हुआ मतवाला !!
-जय हिंद जय गुर्जर -
Ravi Kasana Gurjar
(Btec-Mechanical & MBA- International Bussiness)
vill & post- Jawli Ghaziabad,UP.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Haryali ki qaid mai aksar yun lagta hai.....
mai bhi Sookha Patta hota...
Hawa ki halki si thapki per zindan ka derwaza khulta.....
Dhup k ujlai manzar mera tan sehlatai....
Kachi Matti ka rang meri rooh mai ghulta.....
Hawa ki madham lehron per halkorai leta behta jata.....
Sukhi chatki aankhain koi khwab na buntin......
Murjhanai ka'jhar janai ka...dil mai koi khauf na hota......
Nanhi munni jag mag aankhain 'murdi murdi si palkhain..
Chotai chotai paon...
Herani se berhtai meri janib or mai behta jata.....
aatai jaatai qadmon ki aawazain sunta.....
qadmon ki aawazain jese dhar dhar koi dharti kotai.....
or phir wo aawazain jin mai surr gatai hon.....
ya kuch jhijki girti perti madham chahain.....
din bher shehar ki galyon mai yun khaq urata.....
geeli weeran serkon per raat gae aawara phirta.....
or pairon ki oot mai milnai walon ki sergoshi sunta.....
heryali ki qaid mai aksar yun lagta hai......
aazadi ka ik din saari umar ki qaid se acha hota.........!
mai bhi sookha patta hota.....!
Ravi Kasana
Btec.Mechanical & MBA in International Business
Haryali ki qaid mai aksar yun lagta hai.....
mai bhi Sookha Patta hota...
Hawa ki halki si thapki per zindan ka derwaza khulta.....
Dhup k ujlai manzar mera tan sehlatai....
Kachi Matti ka rang meri rooh mai ghulta.....
Hawa ki madham lehron per halkorai leta behta jata.....
Sukhi chatki aankhain koi khwab na buntin......
Murjhanai ka'jhar janai ka...dil mai koi khauf na hota......
Nanhi munni jag mag aankhain 'murdi murdi si palkhain..
Chotai chotai paon...
Herani se berhtai meri janib or mai behta jata.....
aatai jaatai qadmon ki aawazain sunta.....
qadmon ki aawazain jese dhar dhar koi dharti kotai.....
or phir wo aawazain jin mai surr gatai hon.....
ya kuch jhijki girti perti madham chahain.....
din bher shehar ki galyon mai yun khaq urata.....
geeli weeran serkon per raat gae aawara phirta.....
or pairon ki oot mai milnai walon ki sergoshi sunta.....
heryali ki qaid mai aksar yun lagta hai......
aazadi ka ik din saari umar ki qaid se acha hota.........!
mai bhi sookha patta hota.....!
Ravi Kasana
Btec.Mechanical & MBA in International Business
Gurjar‘s Khap Panchayat on Intercast marriage & on same Gotra Marriages
Gurjar‘s Khap Panchayat on Intercast marriage & on same Gotra Marriages :
Its been great that Many of our Gurjars sites have initiate this sensitive issue that has been start prevailing in our community in my views i would say this Khap Panchayat are doing their best ..coz ppl who dont have any emotion & respect towards their community & do indulge in such evil i.e. same Gotra marriage such demon people only shud get horrified from these Khap Panchayat only otherwise such evil crime's graph shud start touching the sky which is a black mole for us all...people who doing so are not only spoiling our community's heritage but also the terms of relation that we have been following since this world came into existence those bloody bastard people who do such things should be fired & they shud be hang till death....
Also some times it happens when the Panch tryies to imposed a innocent people & his family as the victim & it happens only when we choose wrong people as a Panch in Khep Panchayat who take wrong decisions just because to take their personal revenge from the victims...& also the village people too get do their han mein han that point of time the decisions that taken by these Khep Panchayat goes in wrong way & without any reason it plays with the life of an innocent peoples...
Let me explain it with some example .. A few Days before i have read an article that written by Mr. Satyaveer Nagar in Hindustan on dated 14th may 2010 that shows how some time these Khep Panchayat do wrong & meaning less decisions that makes life of an individual a real hell....
Dadri ke Gaon Chithera mein Baisla Gotra ke yuvak ko Bishnoli Gaon ki Bhati Gotra ki yuvti se vivah karne se issliye roka ja raha tha ke Chithara Bhati Bahumulya Gaon han or yahan aisa pehle kabhi nahi hua or yeh Baisla parivaar yahan kariban 10 saal Pehle aakar basa dosto jahan tak mein samajhta inki shadi mein koi shamashya nahi honi chahiye kyonki ladka or ladki dono alag Gotra se han...isse koi fark nahi padhta ke jis gaon mein aap reh rahe ho wo wohi ho jisse ke ladka ye ladki ho...isme galat tab hota agar yeh shadi same gotro mein hoti per aisa kuch nahi han fir Khap Panchayat ko isme kiya problem han ..yah to Panchayat ke log uss Baisla Parivaar se Dushmani nikaal rahe han kyonki wo wahan bahar se aakar basa han ya fir apni nizi dushmani ke karan wo sab aisa kar rahe Bhaiyo iss tarah ke case ko sunkar lagta han ke humari yeh Khep Panchayat kabhi kabhi Galat decison de deti han jo ki unki personal dushmani or irshya bhara hua hota han.....
Per over all mein aap Bhai logo se yehi kahunga ke Khap Panchayat ka hona jarruri han agar hume apne Gurjar Samaj ke maan ki rakshya karni han or agar isse khatam hone se bachana han …
Now these days our Brothers & Sisters are more focused towards getting married in other cast ,it is very painful to me atleast .Personally I request all the elders & youngsters please don’t spoil the purity of the genes as they are the greatest among the world. Marry in Gujjars of any religion as the only the Gujjars is the cast which is above the religion…so please don’t marry in others…
So in order to eliminate such evil from the roots which are spoiling the heritage of our community these Khep Panchayat are as much necessary as any other Judicial services & we must have to promote these Khap Panchayats…
Note: Bhaiyo humari community ke andar bhi kuch aise MAHANUBHAV Gujjar Bhai han jo apne apko kuch jyada hi advance or apne aapko kuch jyada hi padha likha samajhne lage han ...or aise bhai log hum jasie thinking rakhne walo ko anpad or Backward Samajhte han..But in real sense wo khud hi dimaag se pedal hote han ..kyonki unhe apne Purwajo ke Maan or Samman or humari Samaaj mein jo ab tak Riti Rewaaj chalte aye han unko wo chaknachoor karne mein lage hue han ...aise logo ke mind mein Bhai -Bhen ke relation ki koi ahmiyat nahi hoti tabhi wo same gotra marriage ko promote karne ke liye kehte han. .....aaj se hazaro saal pehle hi mahan vidhwan Rishi Muniyo ne bhi alag alag vedo...or Ramayan jaise adhyatmik pushtako mein bhi ek Gotra mein vivah karne ko bahut bada paap bataya han ..or jo insaan aisa paap mein sanglagan hota han wo kabhi bhi apne iss paap se mukta nahi ho sakta han... ...aise insaan apne aap ko bhagwaan se bhi uper samajhte han ...aise logi ke mind mein paschimi sabhyata ki taraf rujhaan kuch jyada hi rehta han...They dont even know what the meaning of Royality named "Gurjar"or yehi karan han ke wo aise logo ko Samaaj ki maan or Maryada se kuch nahi lena hota wo to sirf apni saari jindagi pachim pachim karte hue iss duniya se ruksat ho jaate or unhe kuch nahi milta......Mujhe aise logo ki Budhi per Manoj kumar Ji ki ek film Yadgaar ka dialogue baar baar yaad aa raha han ke ”WAH RE KALYUG KIYA KEHNE TERE"
Brothers plz forward this message to as much as u can to all ur Gurjar fellows &let make thm understand the ill effects of doing so..therby protect out the pure blood & genes ...
“Jai Gurjar Jai Bharat”
Ravi Kasana
Btec-Mechanical & MBA in International business
Vill & post Jawli, Ghaziabad
Its been great that Many of our Gurjars sites have initiate this sensitive issue that has been start prevailing in our community in my views i would say this Khap Panchayat are doing their best ..coz ppl who dont have any emotion & respect towards their community & do indulge in such evil i.e. same Gotra marriage such demon people only shud get horrified from these Khap Panchayat only otherwise such evil crime's graph shud start touching the sky which is a black mole for us all...people who doing so are not only spoiling our community's heritage but also the terms of relation that we have been following since this world came into existence those bloody bastard people who do such things should be fired & they shud be hang till death....
Also some times it happens when the Panch tryies to imposed a innocent people & his family as the victim & it happens only when we choose wrong people as a Panch in Khep Panchayat who take wrong decisions just because to take their personal revenge from the victims...& also the village people too get do their han mein han that point of time the decisions that taken by these Khep Panchayat goes in wrong way & without any reason it plays with the life of an innocent peoples...
Let me explain it with some example .. A few Days before i have read an article that written by Mr. Satyaveer Nagar in Hindustan on dated 14th may 2010 that shows how some time these Khep Panchayat do wrong & meaning less decisions that makes life of an individual a real hell....
Dadri ke Gaon Chithera mein Baisla Gotra ke yuvak ko Bishnoli Gaon ki Bhati Gotra ki yuvti se vivah karne se issliye roka ja raha tha ke Chithara Bhati Bahumulya Gaon han or yahan aisa pehle kabhi nahi hua or yeh Baisla parivaar yahan kariban 10 saal Pehle aakar basa dosto jahan tak mein samajhta inki shadi mein koi shamashya nahi honi chahiye kyonki ladka or ladki dono alag Gotra se han...isse koi fark nahi padhta ke jis gaon mein aap reh rahe ho wo wohi ho jisse ke ladka ye ladki ho...isme galat tab hota agar yeh shadi same gotro mein hoti per aisa kuch nahi han fir Khap Panchayat ko isme kiya problem han ..yah to Panchayat ke log uss Baisla Parivaar se Dushmani nikaal rahe han kyonki wo wahan bahar se aakar basa han ya fir apni nizi dushmani ke karan wo sab aisa kar rahe Bhaiyo iss tarah ke case ko sunkar lagta han ke humari yeh Khep Panchayat kabhi kabhi Galat decison de deti han jo ki unki personal dushmani or irshya bhara hua hota han.....
Per over all mein aap Bhai logo se yehi kahunga ke Khap Panchayat ka hona jarruri han agar hume apne Gurjar Samaj ke maan ki rakshya karni han or agar isse khatam hone se bachana han …
Now these days our Brothers & Sisters are more focused towards getting married in other cast ,it is very painful to me atleast .Personally I request all the elders & youngsters please don’t spoil the purity of the genes as they are the greatest among the world. Marry in Gujjars of any religion as the only the Gujjars is the cast which is above the religion…so please don’t marry in others…
So in order to eliminate such evil from the roots which are spoiling the heritage of our community these Khep Panchayat are as much necessary as any other Judicial services & we must have to promote these Khap Panchayats…
Note: Bhaiyo humari community ke andar bhi kuch aise MAHANUBHAV Gujjar Bhai han jo apne apko kuch jyada hi advance or apne aapko kuch jyada hi padha likha samajhne lage han ...or aise bhai log hum jasie thinking rakhne walo ko anpad or Backward Samajhte han..But in real sense wo khud hi dimaag se pedal hote han ..kyonki unhe apne Purwajo ke Maan or Samman or humari Samaaj mein jo ab tak Riti Rewaaj chalte aye han unko wo chaknachoor karne mein lage hue han ...aise logo ke mind mein Bhai -Bhen ke relation ki koi ahmiyat nahi hoti tabhi wo same gotra marriage ko promote karne ke liye kehte han. .....aaj se hazaro saal pehle hi mahan vidhwan Rishi Muniyo ne bhi alag alag vedo...or Ramayan jaise adhyatmik pushtako mein bhi ek Gotra mein vivah karne ko bahut bada paap bataya han ..or jo insaan aisa paap mein sanglagan hota han wo kabhi bhi apne iss paap se mukta nahi ho sakta han... ...aise insaan apne aap ko bhagwaan se bhi uper samajhte han ...aise logi ke mind mein paschimi sabhyata ki taraf rujhaan kuch jyada hi rehta han...They dont even know what the meaning of Royality named "Gurjar"or yehi karan han ke wo aise logo ko Samaaj ki maan or Maryada se kuch nahi lena hota wo to sirf apni saari jindagi pachim pachim karte hue iss duniya se ruksat ho jaate or unhe kuch nahi milta......Mujhe aise logo ki Budhi per Manoj kumar Ji ki ek film Yadgaar ka dialogue baar baar yaad aa raha han ke ”WAH RE KALYUG KIYA KEHNE TERE"
Brothers plz forward this message to as much as u can to all ur Gurjar fellows &let make thm understand the ill effects of doing so..therby protect out the pure blood & genes ...
“Jai Gurjar Jai Bharat”
Ravi Kasana
Btec-Mechanical & MBA in International business
Vill & post Jawli, Ghaziabad
Gurjar Attachment with Pushkar Temple
Gurjar Attachment with Pushkar Temple
When Savitri (Brhma's Spouse) reached Pushakar and found that Brmha had married a Gujar girl named Gayatri to perform the Yagya Ahutis, She cursed Brmha to not to be worshipped anywhere in the world and Cursed Gujjars to never rest in peace. Later when Brmha told her the whole story, she realised her mistake and revoked(modified) the curse by saying that Brmha will be worshipped in pushkar only and Gujjars would attain moksha only after their ashes are flowed in Pushkar lake. Since that day Pushkar became the only place where Brmha is worshipped and it also became a holy place for Gujjars as well. Gayatri Mantra named After Gujjar lady Gayatri …
I think Pushkar is important for Gujjars irrespective of his religion to visit as all the temples there were Built and worshipped by our great ancestors and not only for religiously to perform Puja to lord Brahma.
It is said that every Gurjar should visit the Pushkar Bramha Mandir once in his life.
It’s a matter of pride for our Gurjar Community that GOD Himself Never let thmself away from this prestige & daring community & had been associated with this diversified Gurjar community in every Yug.
So feel Proud To Be a Gurjar
Note: Expand this Message as much as to ur friends Specialy those who hides their cast, feel hatred to be associated with it. And offcourse those other cast ppl who consider Gujjars to be Useless Creature.
Ravi Kasana
Btec-Mechanical & MBA in International business
Vill & post Jawli, Ghaziabad
When Savitri (Brhma's Spouse) reached Pushakar and found that Brmha had married a Gujar girl named Gayatri to perform the Yagya Ahutis, She cursed Brmha to not to be worshipped anywhere in the world and Cursed Gujjars to never rest in peace. Later when Brmha told her the whole story, she realised her mistake and revoked(modified) the curse by saying that Brmha will be worshipped in pushkar only and Gujjars would attain moksha only after their ashes are flowed in Pushkar lake. Since that day Pushkar became the only place where Brmha is worshipped and it also became a holy place for Gujjars as well. Gayatri Mantra named After Gujjar lady Gayatri …
I think Pushkar is important for Gujjars irrespective of his religion to visit as all the temples there were Built and worshipped by our great ancestors and not only for religiously to perform Puja to lord Brahma.
It is said that every Gurjar should visit the Pushkar Bramha Mandir once in his life.
It’s a matter of pride for our Gurjar Community that GOD Himself Never let thmself away from this prestige & daring community & had been associated with this diversified Gurjar community in every Yug.
So feel Proud To Be a Gurjar
Note: Expand this Message as much as to ur friends Specialy those who hides their cast, feel hatred to be associated with it. And offcourse those other cast ppl who consider Gujjars to be Useless Creature.
Ravi Kasana
Btec-Mechanical & MBA in International business
Vill & post Jawli, Ghaziabad
NANDITA GURJAR -A Revolutionary Women
NANDITA GURJAR -A Revolutionary Women
VP & Group Head-HRD
Infosys Technologies
A women who have shown this world that Gurjars are no longer lagging behind to any other community....her attitude reflects that Gurjars are always on top & she proudly suffix Gurjar to his name that shows his uttmost dedication towards his Gurjar community...This vedio i have uploaded for those Gurjars who hate being called as Gurjar & tried to hide thier cast from others, for those new generation ppl who are unknown from this "Royality" named "Gurjar" & also for those other community ppl who taken Gurjars into wrong & negative sense as well as those who considering us as a useless creature on this Nandita Gurjar is a solid example to those feel proud to be born in this daring & Royal Gurjar community .. Regards RAvi KAsana Gurjar.
Nandita Gurjar was 30 when she started her career in 1992 on a salary of 2,000. Her peers were making three times that figure, but she wasn't keeping score. Now group head, HR at Infosys, Gurjar has made it to the top on her own terms.
masters in psychology didn't stop her from joining thr information technology industry because, “The excitement of computers and knowing what they could do made me feel it was way of future, “She says. From battling with the management of the State Bank of India to introducing computers to make lives easier, to starting the learning and development wing at Infosys, Gurjar has come a long way. “Building relationships and working as a team is the key-it doesn't happen as a one-man show,” she says
Nandita was appointed as the Human Resources Head in December 2007. With over 1,00,000 employees working under her, she is focused on making Infosys, the preferred choice of global talent.
Earlier, Nandita established and headed the Human Resources department at Infosys BPO. She was instrumental in scaling up the HR department as the business grew to US$ 250 million with 16,000 employees, five centers in India and six global centers. Nandita joined Infosys in 1999 and founded the Learning and Development unit to implement learning and training effectiveness and set benchmarks for growth and development.
Nandita is often invited to speak on HR strategy, workforce management and business leadership. She has addressed many prestigious forums such as Great Place to Work, Conference Board, the World Bank and others. Nandita has been honored for her contributions to HR and leadership. She won the Human Capital Business Leader of the Year award by the Singapore Society of Human Resource Management. The HR practices she has instituted have been recognized by international forums such as American Society for Training & Development, Workforce Optima, among others.
Nandita holds a degree in Literature from Nizam College, Hyderabad, and a master's degree in Psychology from Osmania University.
Youtube vedio link-
Ravi Kasana
Btec.Mechanical & MBA in International Business
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